Website Philosophy


  • Lots of very good web builder tools on the market today that are singularly focused
  • We take a holistic approach and focus on business goals, not just a pretty website
  • You provide your company information and goals, we use our expertise to tailor a solution to fit your needs

philosophyIn today’s digital world it is pretty much a given that any business, big or small, must have an online presence as part of their business strategy in order to survive. The research is overwhelming, so we won’t get into the details here. Feel free research on your own. With that being said, the question is, how to go about it?  

With changes in available technology the options are almost limitless. That can be both a good thing and a bad thing as it can be a little overwhelming. As you start down the process, you will find the number of questions will continue to grow. Is it required to have a website with your own domain name? If you have a website who will host it? Do I need SSL? What is SSL? Does it need to work on desktops and mobile devices? How does content get updated? If your online how will people find you? How much will it cost? This is just a small subset of the questions you should be thinking about and just like most things, the answer is, it depends.

If you already have all these answers, have a deep understanding of what you want out of your site and how to get it, there are tons of tools out there you can use. Anything from Wix, Weebly, or GoDaddy’s Website builder. If you are a do-it-yourselfer these tools may be a great option for you. These tools often promise to get you up and running in minutes for just a small fee. Where we see these tools fall short it that they use templated code and often have a singular focus on just building a website and are not often tailored to fit a specific business need. In addition, once you get into the details, the minutes turn into days and the days turn into weeks. If you truly get your site up in minutes, chances are it won't do a thing to accomplish your goals. Our philosophy when it comes to an online presence is to take a holistic approach. And we are not going to lie to you, it will take some work and time on your part. A lot of companies and website builders focus on building a pretty website but don’t take into account the bigger picture. What good does it do if you have the prettiest website in the world, but nobody visits it and it does nothing to move the needle towards accomplishing your business goals. We like to learn about your company, understand your goals, and have our experts propose a solution that works towards your goals. Our first step is to have you complete an online guide that we have designed and built to help us understand your business. Once submitted we evaluate the information to understand your needs and what goals you are working to achieve. Our experts then provide a solution tailored for your specific goals. As always, final approval is yours and there will be a back-and-forth communication channel to ensure you get what you need.