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Receive Cut Sheet processing instructions online
Receive Meat Bundle orders online
Customizable to your process
Easily Embed Guides into your existing website
Automatic price calculation
Unlimited amount of templates
Keep up with changing technology trends
Saves time
Mobile friendly
E-CUTSHEET is an easy-to-use suite of cloud-based web tools that enable Meat Processing Companies and Butcher Shops to receive Custom Meat Processing Cut Sheet Instructions and Meat Bundle Orders online. Using our template driven system, you can create an unlimited number of Guides to receive instructions from your customers. Each guide is fully customizable to fit your process. As your customers navigate through the Guide, you can embed your knowledge and expertise into the system so your customers feel like you are right there with them, helping them make the best choice for them and their family. This saves you time and money by not having to sit with the customer as they make their decisions. This gives the customer a pleasant experience of not having to make decisions on the spot as they can complete the guide on their own while having knowledge about each cut provided to them. Cost can be added and calculated along the way so customers understand the impact of asking for any upgraded cut. E-CUTSHEET application pages are 100% responsive and viewable on any size device. They can easily be embedded into your existing website or function as a stand-alone application.
We understand that business can be up and down. That is why we decided to offer a per transaction pricing plan. When things are going good, fantastic. If they aren't, then you don't have to worry about paying another bill. Basically, you only pay for what you use. Please contact us to learn more!